Wellington Movement Pre-Easter (Lenten) Videos 2021
Lent 1: The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
Bishop Justin Duckworth and Rev. Chelsea Kirby
preach on Mark 1: 9-15. Lent 3: Jesus Clears the Temple
Rev. Dr Tim McKenzie and Mathew Bartlett from St Michael's Kelburn preach on John 2:13-25.
Lent 5 - Passion Sunday: Jesus Predicts His Death
Rev. Paul and Rev. Ana Fletcher preach from St Peter's Anglican Church in Gonville, Whanganui. They share a reflection on John 12:20-33, looking back on some difficult experiences in their lives, but reflecting on how God brought resurrection moments into those hard places.
Lent 2: The Way of the Cross
Joe and Katrina McGarry share their experience of carrying their cross, reading from Mark 8:31-38.
Lent 4: For God so Loved the World
Reverends Kim and Tim Duxfield preach on John 3: 14-21, sharing from their experience of parenting on how God's message of love for us all comes with a challenge to participate in His redemptive work of caring for His creation.
Lent 6 - Palm Sunday: Entry into Jerusalem
Bishop Eleanor and her husband Tim talk about when they've seen each other be triumphant by walking humbly with their God, as they reflect on Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.