For the past five months Porirua Anglicans have been using te Whare Karakia, 49A Mungavin Avenue, Porirua as their Church Centre. Sunday morning worship has located there as have all other church activities. During this time further thought has been given to the future use, or disposal, of St Anne's and its grounds. On Sunday 15th October 2023, 11:30am in St Anne's Foyer, 2 Arawhata Street, Porirua, decisions will be made about next steps. We will have new information from engineers and the Anglican diocese; we will reflect on how using te Whare Karakia has been for us; and we will together decide next steps. In his report to the Porirua October Vestry, priest in charge Terry Alve made these observations that bear on the discussion we will have in the SGM:
Following a review of Parish life in 2019, our Bishops have given Porirua Anglican approval to consider repairing St Anne's Church. In 2014 the Church was assessed by engineers as earthquake prone and unsafe to congregate in. Since then the congregation have gathered and worshipped in St Anne's lounge. Approval has been given by the Diocese for the cost of repairing St Anne's to be formally and professionally assessed. The Vestry have approved spending for this. The Diocesan property manager will action this assessment and once costs have been determined further decisions will be made. Church members have been waiting a long time to hear this news and are very thankful to hear it. Naturally they are delighted at the prospect that they may be able to return and occupy their Church building. News about progress, as it becomes available, will be shared here and on Facebook. |
AuthorMembers of the Porirua Anglican Communities Archives
January 2025