![]() Porirua Anglicans chose to call the building that is their Centre, Te Whare Karakia when it was blessed by Bishop Ellie Sanderson because they wanted it foremost to be a Prayer Centre. Literally "Whare Karakia" means House of Prayer or more colloquially "Church". A cursory reading of the Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ makes it very clear that the amazing things that flowed from His ministry were the result of praying. Nothing has changed and the amazing things we experience as we see lives and situations changed are the outcome of prayer to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, before they are anything else. In recent weeks we have prayed for four (I suspect young) people who have requested prayers through our web form at Porirua Anglican. In responding to their requests today, after weeks of prayer, I have invited them to each report back how it is for them now. I believe each of these people has been touch by the love and power of God. My request to them to respond is not so that we get a tick for our successful praying, there's no humility in that. Rather that they notice and express their benefits and ultimately give thanks to God for these. St Paul writing to the Philippians in chapter 4 was strong on encouraging the blessed to return thanks, 4 Always be glad because of the Lord! I will say it again: Be glad. 5 Always be gentle with others. The Lord will soon be here. 6 Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. 7 Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel. 8 Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise. 9 You know the teachings I gave you, and you know what you heard me say and saw me do. So follow my example. And God, who gives peace, will be with you. Luke 17:11-19 is a Gospel story about ten lepers who were cleansed and healed by Jesus. Only one came back, prostrated himself before Jesus and said thank you. Only he had the privilege of hearing Jesus's words of affirmation, "Your faith has made you well." Thanksgiving is a primary task for the soul that wants peace and blessing from God. Don't forget to say thank you. Mum was so right when we taught me to do that. Terry
Early May 2023 Porirua Anglicans relocated to te Whare Karakia, 49A Mungavin Ave., Ranui. During these four months we have been consolidating worship, community life, administration and fellowship here. As Spring 2023 arrives we move forward.
Three of our number have participated, with Johnsonville Anglicans, in an ALPHA Course since mid-July. Last weekend this group of around fourteen people spent a Saturday at te Whare thinking about and experiencing the Holy Spirit as part of ALPHA. While this course has only four sessions before it concludes; we are planning to base an ALPHA course at te Whare beginning 17 January 2024 which will run for eleven weeks. During September as we remember the passing of our dear friend Sala Manulevu, we will spend time prayerfully walking the temporary Labyrinth at Wellington Cathedral - 1:45pm Sat. 23 September. In October we will have a SGM at St Anne's to make final decisions about St Anne's future. Then we will conclude our Church year as we discuss in some morning services/forums the seven principals of Leading Your Church into Growth. These gatherings will discern how during 2024 we will grow in our discipleship and witness as a community. ![]() Hot on the heals of the global battle to overcome COVID-19 and, recent impacts of Global Warming through floods, landslips and horrifying fires has come Putin’s/Russia’s war against Ukraine. Some of us begin to feel quite overwhelmed as members of the human family. And on top of it, Queen Elizabeth II has died and our national service of remembrance takes place tomorrow, Mon 26th Sept. Wars and rumours of war have plagued humankind from the beginning of the race. It seems that human inhumanity to other humans knows no bounds as the vivid images being beamed around the globe confront us with horrific carnage and the wanton destruction of human life, let alone of the creation on which we are so dependent. Today’s Gospel reading from John (17:1-8) invites us to pray like Jesus to the Father. He prayed with confidence that His disciples got it and believed that He was the Messiah to be followed. Now we pray with Jesus as modern day disciples, that the war between east and west, Russia and NATO, with their allies including New Zealand, can be won in the heavenlies. Certainly it cannot be won by human warfare. Perhaps our prayer to the Father needs to be that diplomacy wins with peace the outcome. God knows how to achieve this; may we know heavenly wisdom to pray and believe that. As God was the victor in the life of Russia’s patron Saint Sergius in the 14th Century; so in the 21st Century may Russia draw similar strength to eschew war for peace. And may the western allies work/pray hard to move in a spirit other than warfare, & win the victory we all desire: peace. I believe our P.M. moves in this other spirit as she ensures the Russian Ambassador, Georgii Zuev, remains in NZ. Let’s pray for him, and for her, as the communication channels remain open: that meaningful dialogue happens here and there! Terry Alve SERGIUS RADONEZH |
AuthorMembers of the Porirua Anglican Communities Archives
January 2025