It has been nearly three years since Covid-19 arrived in New Zealand and around the world. As the incidence of infection has declined recently and the prospect of a new normal arriving, what does this mean for Porirua Anglicans? I would like to suggest that as a community we get behind the God Loves You Tour being brought to Wellington by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and led by Billy's son Franklin Graham. The Wellington event will be: "God Loves You Tour" TSB Arena Wednesday 16th November 7pm Join Franklin Graham as he shares a personal message of hope and enjoy an exciting evening of live music. This event is free of charge. Bring your friends and family! You are invited to a Christian Life & Witness Course This free, easy three-hour session is based on principles from nearly 70 years of ministry and will equip you to tell others about Jesus Christ and strengthen your own faith. Mark your calendars and invite others to join you! Please note that you only need to attend one of the classes offered. Booking is not required to attend. Monday, 12 September, 6:00PM @ Hosanna Baptist Church, 2 Driver Crescent, Cannons Creek. There is another scheduled for Porirua on the following evening... ask if you would prefer to attend then: 027 944 4996 ![]() As a Church we plan to follow up the Tour Event (16 November) with FIVE group sessions for those who respond at the Event and others who are interested. These will be in Te Whare Karakia, 49A Mungavin Avenue, Ranui on Wednesdays 23, 30 November and 7, 14, 21 December Terry Alve Priest in Charge
Billy Graham The late Dr Billy Graham is commonly recognised as one of the greatest Christian Evangelists of modern times. Many people in New Zealand acknowledge that it was his message of assurance, hope and challenge that significantly encouraged them to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. This video (approx. 30 minutes) offers us a perspective on this man's sincere Christian faith and challenge to 20th & 21st people of all races. Porirua Anglicans, indeed the people of Porirua and beyond, are invited to view and hear this message between 2:30-3:00pm on Good Friday 10th April 2020 - the time when many of us associate with the death of Christ at the 9th hour (3pm) on that first Good (God's) Friday. At 3pm you are invited to tune into a discussion via Zoom (5531369442) for 20-30 minutes to unpack the Message of the Cross. The Death of Jesus St. Luke's Gospel 23:44 Around noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until the middle of the afternoon. 45 The sun stopped shining, and the curtain in the temple split down the middle. 46 Jesus shouted, “Father, I put myself in your hands!” Then he died. 47 When the Roman officer saw what had happened, he praised God and said, “Jesus must really have been a good man!” 48 A crowd had gathered to see the terrible sight. Then after they had seen it, they felt brokenhearted and went home. 49 All of Jesus' close friends and the women who had come with him from Galilee stood at a distance and watched. St. John's Gospel 19:28 Jesus knew that he had now finished his work. And in order to make the Scriptures come true, he said, “I am thirsty!” 29 A jar of cheap wine was there. Someone then soaked a sponge with the wine and held it up to Jesus' mouth on the stem of a hyssop plant. 30 After Jesus drank the wine, he said, “Everything is done!” He bowed his head and died. The Love of God
St. John's Gospel 3:16 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. The video message concludes with an appeal from Dr Graham for us to decisively and wholeheartedly follow the Lord Jesus Christ and with a prayer inviting God to become the Lord of my life. If this message has impacted you in this way we would love to talk with you, pray with you and offer you the free gift of a Bible in a modern translation. Please connect with us via one of the options on our Contact Form. |
AuthorMembers of the Porirua Anglican Communities Archives
January 2025